Schedule Your Mentoring Package or INNERgy Session Below:
What is INNERgy Work™?
INNERgy Work™ is a gentle non-invasive way of getting to the root of health issues, internal chaos, unneeded emotional baggage, & limiting beliefs, by quickly locating flawed imprints in your DNA, that are weighing you down, keeping you stressed & overloaded, or holding you back from being healthy, happy, & successful!
Some of these flaws are caused by events in our own lives, & some are passed down by ancestors through generations, because we inherit not only physical DNA - but emotional/energetic DNA as well. These flaws can cause imbalances which manifest as emotional & physical challenges such as anxiety, depression, stress, weight issues, addictions, toxic relationships, negative financial experiences, lack of confidence, illness/disease, & more.
Flaws can be repaired, imbalances balanced, & subconscious belief patterns reprogrammed, in a simple, practical, & non-invasive way... so that the body & mind can begin to function properly & peacefully again.
Here are just a few of the things we work on in a session:
* Emotional Release, including Deep Release Healing
* Past & Childhood Trauma
* Generational Healing & Flaws in the Energetic family DNA
* Balancing all the many Energy Systems & Body Systems
* Healing Questions & the 'Universal 8' Remedy
* Relationships of ALL kinds, including people, money, food, time, self, God, & many others
* And so much more
INNERgy Work™ is not a specific "method" or modality. INNERgy sessions are completely customized to the client, right in the moment, according to whatever they're in need of.
When you have an INNERgy session, it almost feels like you're getting an emotional / energetic massage. You get to find a comfy place to completely relax, and by the end, you stand up feeling lighter, and full of more clarity & space!
For more information on our training & certification program, please visit the School of INNERgy™ HERE.
INNERgy Work™ is a gentle non-invasive way of getting to the root of health issues, internal chaos, unneeded emotional baggage, & limiting beliefs, by quickly locating flawed imprints in your DNA, that are weighing you down, keeping you stressed & overloaded, or holding you back from being healthy, happy, & successful!
Some of these flaws are caused by events in our own lives, & some are passed down by ancestors through generations, because we inherit not only physical DNA - but emotional/energetic DNA as well. These flaws can cause imbalances which manifest as emotional & physical challenges such as anxiety, depression, stress, weight issues, addictions, toxic relationships, negative financial experiences, lack of confidence, illness/disease, & more.
Flaws can be repaired, imbalances balanced, & subconscious belief patterns reprogrammed, in a simple, practical, & non-invasive way... so that the body & mind can begin to function properly & peacefully again.
Here are just a few of the things we work on in a session:
* Emotional Release, including Deep Release Healing
* Past & Childhood Trauma
* Generational Healing & Flaws in the Energetic family DNA
* Balancing all the many Energy Systems & Body Systems
* Healing Questions & the 'Universal 8' Remedy
* Relationships of ALL kinds, including people, money, food, time, self, God, & many others
* And so much more
INNERgy Work™ is not a specific "method" or modality. INNERgy sessions are completely customized to the client, right in the moment, according to whatever they're in need of.
When you have an INNERgy session, it almost feels like you're getting an emotional / energetic massage. You get to find a comfy place to completely relax, and by the end, you stand up feeling lighter, and full of more clarity & space!
For more information on our training & certification program, please visit the School of INNERgy™ HERE.
Step 1 - Pay for your session:
Click on the drop-down menu below to choose your session type, then click "Buy Now".
INNERgy Clients:
First time clients must choose the 50 min option.
Follow-up clients may choose 30 minute follow-up or 15 minute tune-up.
Personal Mentoring Clients:
You may opt for the package of your choice, in the drop down menu above the 'buy now' button.
INNERgy Clients:
First time clients must choose the 50 min option.
Follow-up clients may choose 30 minute follow-up or 15 minute tune-up.
Personal Mentoring Clients:
You may opt for the package of your choice, in the drop down menu above the 'buy now' button.
All appointments are pre-paid. Please pay first, and then schedule your session / appointment below. There are no refunds. If you need to postpone your appointments, please contact me, & we can figure out a new schedule.
All 3 session options PLUS another 50 min session FREE! 4 sessions for LESS THAN the price of 3!
Includes 50 min, 30 min, and 15 min for one person. The free session can be used for you or someone else.
Includes 50 min, 30 min, and 15 min for one person. The free session can be used for you or someone else.
INNERgy Sessions:
Personal Mentoring: |
Step 2 - Schedule your session:
After paying for your session, please schedule below.
(Your session must be paid for before the time of the call.)
(Your session must be paid for before the time of the call.)
***At the time of your session, please call the number given on the form that will be filled out when scheduling.
Please have a glass of water before your session. Make sure you have a quiet place to sit or lay down undisturbed by children or other distractions.
Please have a glass of water before your session. Make sure you have a quiet place to sit or lay down undisturbed by children or other distractions.